Saturday, June 23, 2012

Bot & Dolly - Identity

The movie I wrote about seven years ago is becoming more actualized everyday especially with this new Bot and Dolly system!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

The Amazing Spider-Man 2012 - B-Roll Part 6/6

Hey guys, its been a while since I've last posted. But this news is too good to hold in. Marc Webb is finally accomplishing what Sam Raimi never did. He is actually making Spiderman the way he should be. For people or fans out there that don't know, according to the Marvel Universe description of Spiderman's powers, "...he has an upper limit of several tons PER FINGER..." Meaning, he can basically jump off a 25 story building and land on one finger with perfect balance. In this B-roll footage, director Marc Webb is displaying that fact accurately! I was hyped (and a little skeptical, I'll admit) for this film. Now I really can't wait to see this movie and play the video game.

Oh I hope you checked out my check list for most anticipated summer movies. Looks like I'm 100 percent right so far!